Spirituelle Texte von Rumi
You don´t know how hard I have looked
for a gift to bring to You.
Nothing seemed right.
What is the point of bringing
gold to the goldmine,
or water to the ocean?
Everything I came up with
was like taking spices to the Orient.
It is no good giving my heart and soul,
because You already have these.
So I have brought You a mirror.
Look into it and remember me!
Know, oh friend, that
everything in the Universe
is a jug, filled to the brim
with wisdom and beauty.
Mathnawi I, 2860
That which you imagine
to be the treasure -
through that vain imagination
you are losing the real treasure.
Mathnawi I, 2475
Do not say: "We have
no admission to the King."
Dealings with the generous
are not difficult.
Mathnawi I, 221
God created pain and sorrow
for the purpose
that happiness might be
made manifest by means
of its opposite.
Mathnawi I, 1130
Walk toward whoever gave you feet!
Turn as the earth and the moon turn,
circling what they love.
Whatever circles
comes from the center.
Everything you want
is on the other side of fear.
I hope, you do not intend
to be unkind to my heart,
for if you do
Woe unto my heart,
Woe unto my heart,
Woe unto my heart,
Woe unto my heart
No thief can steal
our peace of mind,
our light of day.
I am a painter,
Painting pictures all the time.
Yet when I set them near Your beauty,
I want to throw them all away.
We search for Him here and there,
While looking right at Him.
Sitting by His side we ask:
"O Beloved, where is the Beloved?"
Failure is the key
to the kingdom within.
I want to sing as the birds sing,
not worrying about
who hears and what they think.
A certain man said: "What is the security
against the anger of God?"
Jesus said:"To abandon
your own anger at once."
Birdsong brings relief
to my longing,
I´m just as ecstatic as they are,
but with nothing to say.
Please, Universal Soul, practise
some song or something
through me!
Do not run away!
Run inward as unripe grapes
run toward their own sweetness.
The world offers no beauty
like the beauty inside you,
O my heart!
Love said to me:
There is nothing
that is not me.
Your love has enchanted my heart
With a poem
Noone could ever write.
Seekers of Truth
follow no path.
All paths lead
where Truth is.
In the end you will be left
without all things. Listen!
To whom will you turn then?
The earth turns to gold
in the hand of the wise.
The moon stays bright
when it does not avoid the night.
Only the hands of God
can remove the burdens
of your heart.
How can we stay in this house?
In this house we are all guests.
Awe is the salve
that will heal our eyes.
Love is travel. All travellers
whether they want or not
are changed.
Noone can travel into love
and remain the same.
Go within.
Hear the story of sunrise
from the sun itself.
If there were no sunrise within
I would have set long ago.
The rose speaks of love silently,
in a language known only to the heart.
All religions,
all this singing!
One song.
I am bewildered
by the magnificence of your beauty,
and wish to see you
with a hundred eyes.
Love is the whole thing.
We are only pieces.
When the world pushes you to your knees ,
you are in a perfect position to pray.
Be empty of worrying!
Think, who created thought!
Love came, closed my mouth
and said: "Forget poetry
and reach for the stars!"
Your love taught me to grieve.
And I needed for centuries
someone to make me grieve,
for someone to cry in his arms,
like a sparrow,
for someone to gather my pieces
like shards of broken crystal.
The soul that hasn´t received
peace and love from God,
what a helpless and lost soul that is!